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State Crusade for the Development of Industrial Parks.

  • Developing opportunities in Jalisco by strengthening industrial infrastructure to take advantage of nearshoring.
  • The Association of Industrial Parks of the State of Jalisco (APIEJ) joins forces with the Secretariat of Economic Development of Jalisco, Industriales Jalisco, Mexican Chamber of Construction (CMIC), INDEX, and the National Chamber of the Electronics Industry and Information Technology (CANIETI).
  • The Crusade is focused on six topics: energy, certifications, suppliers, financing, procedures and processes, and land reserves.

Guadalajara, Jalisco. In response to the disruptive consequences by the COVID-19 pandemic and changes in the global landscape, the Association of Industrial Parks of the State of Jalisco (APIEJ), in conjunction with the Secretariat of Economic Development of Jalisco, have launched an ambitious program called “State Crusade for the Development of Industrial Parks “. This initiative aims to take advantage of emerging opportunities in Mexico, particularly in the field of nearshoring, seeking to strengthen the real estate infrastructure required by the foreign investment that is coming to our country.

Nearshoring, a relocation strategy for companies seeking to move geographically closer to their target market, has become increasingly attractive due to several factors: the commercial war between China and the United States, rising logistics costs, the ban on exports from China to other markets, labor shortages, and market growth because of the pandemic. Mexico, thanks to its strategic geographic location, skilled labor force and openness to trade, has emerged as a major recipient of investment to take advantage of competitive advantages and regional market opportunities.

The State Crusade for the Development Industrial Parks in Jalisco aims to present alternative solutions and support so that the State’s real estate developers have the necessary conditions to accelerate their decision making in the development of new industrial spaces, which can receive the investments that are coming to the State and that require almost immediate availability. This initiative will improve economic growth, generate employment, and contribute to sustainable development in the state and the region.

This Crusade will be carried out through six events that will address the most relevant topics for the development and expansion of the supply of industrial parks in Jalisco. The events will focus on these key areas: energy, financing, certifications, procedures and processes, suppliers, and land reserves. Each of these events will bring together experts, companies, and relevant organizations to share knowledge, present viable options and explore concrete solutions to promote the growth of industrial parks.

The first event focused on the topic of energy, and offered a panel discussion where several options of companies and organizations that can help address the energy needs of industrial parks, were presented. The Energy Agency of the State of Jalisco participated along with the companies Saavi Energía, Fenik-Enegence, Ric Energy, and Kualion.

The Industrial Park Association of Jalisco (APIEJ) is leading this Crusade and is expected that these activities accelerate the decision-making process of APIEJ members, fostering the expansion of their industrial real estate portfolio and addressing the new challenges of the industries individually or as a group.